
What People Say

I am amazed at how well James is doing and feel so relieved that he is happy and so well; we all feel that this wouldn’t have been possible without ÍøºìºÚÁÏ’s excellent service.


We were apprehensive about our son moving into supported living but knew it was an opportunity for him to live an independent life like other young people. Having chosen ÍøºìºÚÁÏ to support my son in adapting to independent living we felt that their excellent support was a great relief. ÍøºìºÚÁÏ developed a package of care for him which was tailored around his needs. An excellent team of staff, which were carefully chosen to match James’ needs, was developed and continues to support him. It has changed his life and for us a great relief that he is happy.


My daughter’s life has changed so much. She is now going to the hairdressers; she bought a new coat and is wearing different clothes. Christmas was brilliant and the happiest I have ever had. I am proud of the lasses they are great!


ÍøºìºÚÁÏ has been very helpful for our son (now aged 23) as he has Asperger’s and other difficulties. He is now at a local university and getting domiciliary support from ÍøºìºÚÁÏ paid for by the Local Authority. He has good relationships with his support workers and we value and trust the ÍøºìºÚÁÏ team. We appreciate that this service is Autism – specific and that ÍøºìºÚÁÏ senior managers are very experienced. We are very grateful for this help.


The benefits for me of ÍøºìºÚÁÏ’s support include the discovery of self-awareness and personal autonomy which assists in my development of responsibility and determination to succeed.  As I have found your professional input has proven to be invaluable toward my personal development.

Peter - A gentleman supported by ÍøºìºÚÁÏ’s staff

Thanks to all those staff who are sensitive to my son and understand him well, who ‘walk with him’ as he develops and encourage him to enjoy his life and learn.


View our Leaflet

ÍøºìºÚÁÏ Agency Leaflet Cover
An excellent staff team
My daughter‘s life has changed so much
Support is tailored around his needs
Charity Commission Care Quality Commission Ofsted Positive About Disabled People Investors In People Mindful Employer